Cholesterol - Over 50% of the adult population in world has high cholesterol, but does not know or do nothing to reduce it. The cholesterol is a fatty substance that, in normal amounts, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and transported in blood. There are two types: HDL cholesterol or "good cholesterol" and LDL or "bad cholesterol". The 'good' is responsible for collecting the extra cholesterol from the cells and expel the body, while the 'bad' cholesterol leads by our body and deposited in tissues. When the level of 'bad' is above the recommended, cholesterol reaches the tissues in greater quantities and accumulates in excess in the walls of the arteries.

Tips for reducing cholesterol
The best practice is to perform moderate daily exercise: the practice of a sport or physical activity regularly increases the good cholesterol in the blood. It is important to follow a healthy diet, varied, balanced, low-fat saturated: increased amount of vegetables (2 servings) and fruit (3 servings) must be part of your daily diet. It's good to add or increase healthy fats, such as intake of oily fish and nuts provide healthy fats to your body. Watch the weight: it is important to conduct periodic monitoring. People with overweight have a higher tendency to have cholesterol problems. Also recommends eating cholesterol-lowering dairy products, which reduce levels quickly and effectively. Bear in mind that cholesterol is not played and you have to take it seriously. Good intentions are not enough.

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